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Moving Forward

I was recently catching up on life with a young lady who I have become quite acquainted with during the short time that I have known her. She has had her share of struggles in life, and of course I have had my frustrations as well – who hasn’t. After I finished sharing my recent life events she stated, “I could never do any of that”. After hearing such statement, I quickly reminded her of just how strong she really is.

There will be days, months, and even years of our life when we will be faced with certain challenges, roadblocks, and life-altering events. Life won’t always be as fun as a mouth full of Pop Rocks. Some times we will be close to giving up and wanting to succumb to defeat. When those troubling times surface that is the time when we will have to fight the hardest to stay afloat. Even when defeat is all you see around you, defeat is NOT an option. We are strong even when we don’t realize it, because we were able to make it through another day; no matter how tough or discouraging that day may have been.

At times we can’t see what others see in us; therefore we can tend to be our biggest critics. However, this false perception of self will dissipate when we learn to get out of our own way. We have to learn to make peace with the past, with things we cannot change, let go or ignore the people or situations that have become a hinderance to us, and push forward. It’s easier said than done; I know. I had to get to that point myself, and it was (is) definitely a journey…

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