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"When I Get That Feeling, I Need [Chakra] Healing" ....

Muladhara: Your Physical Nature

Governs all beginnings in the physical world - including your money, health, family and survival issues. When you have a healthy “Root Chakra”, you are grounded in all the goodness of mortality. This earth element chakra, is the root or foundation of the all the other chakras, and physically situated at the base of your spine, legs and feet. The vibrational range of the red color spectrum, things move pretty slow at the Root. Issues that arise from your Root Chakra usually arise for you to learn let go of your fears and embrace greater patience in the foundational circumstances of your life.

Swadhisthana: Your Emotional Nature

Governs your sexuality, emotional well-being and your creativity. This water element chakra holds your instinctual emotions of creativity, movement and playfulness. This Chakra is at the reproductive center of the low abdomen and sacral plexus. The vibrational range of orange on the color spectrum, things begin to move in relation to others in your circle. Issues in your Sacral Chakra usually arise for you to learn to play a more healthy balance between expression and repression of your emotions, sexuality and instinctual creativity, which can flow more easily when you let go of those over doses of guilt in your life.

Manipura: Your Ego Nature

Governs your personal power to transform and empower your life to become the way you would choose. When you have a healthy Solar Chakra, you are motivated to make great things happen for yourself and others. This fire element chakra connects us to our self-esteem, personality and will-power; located at the solar plexus, core-body. Your solar chakra is the hub of the digestive processes, both physically and metaphorically, transforming raw material into empowering energy. The vibrational range of yellow on the color spectrum, things begin to heat up and get you motivated to shine on your potential. Issues in your Solar Chakra usually arise for you to learn to take a stand, and shed the shame in your life that arises from the distorted use of power.

Anahata: Your Altruistic Nature

Governs your ability to both give and receive a healthy balance of love; a bridge for balancing heaven-earth, spiritual-physical, yin-yang, and female-male relationships in your life. The vibrational range of green, that balancer on the light color spectrum, located from your heart, out though your arms and hands. Your heart is the central hub for rhythms beating between your physical and spiritual life. A healthy “Heart Chakra” is where you find “middle ground” or balanced rhythms in your relationships, your surroundings, people, places and things. Issues in your Heart Chakra usually surface to help you learn to embrace all that life has to teach you more wholeheartedly and trade your grieving for an atmosphere of gratitude, respect and love

Visuddha: Your Vibrational Nature

Governs your ability communicate. This sound element chakra encompasses all the way down to the “vibrational” level of the bright blue color spectrum. Your surroundings also “say” a lot about who you are communicating yourself to be. When you live in integrity with who you present yourself to be, your presence will have cleansing effect on others. When you enjoy a balanced Throat Chakra (the throat, mouth and ears) you can speak your truths, as well as listen to others truths of who you are to them. Issues in the Throat Chakra usually surface to help you learn to live more honestly, and let the truth of who you are raise your “good vibrations” to the surface.

Ajna: Your Intuitive Nature

Governs both intuition and insight. This space element chakra is located between the brow center of the forehead, with the pineal gland, developing even before the brain in embryo, often called “the third eye”. This center is where you learn how to create the most abundance with the least amount of effort. This center also governs your inner life cycle clock, triggering puberty, adulthood and eventually the timing of transitioning from your body into Spirit, through a process we call death. Issues in the Brow Chakra usually surface to help you learn to trust your sixth-sense, and let go of illusions, as you discern the difference between the time being right as apposed to just beginning.

Sahasrara: Your Divine Nature

Governs your thoughts and beliefs; your chakra of enlightenment, rules the sealing connection between you to your Divine Source. When your “crown chakra”, the top of the head, is healthy, it can witness your Essential Truths in every other center of the body, right down to the cellular level. Issues in the Crown Chakra usually surface to help you learn that it is your attachments that can distract you from what’s most important. When your crown is open, healing occurs at quantum speed; it feels like coming home to the essence of who you really are, with Grace pulsating through you, witnessing to you your Divine paths, realized potential and infinite value.

These are some of the health problems associated with its respected chakra:

1st Chakra - Muladhara (Root Chakra)

Anorexia, Constipation, Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Frequent urination, Hypertension, Impotence, Kidney Stones, Obesity, Piles

2nd Chakra - Svadhisthana (Sacral Chakra)

Endometriosis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Pre-menstrual Syndrome, Ovarian Cysts, Prostate Disease, Testicular disease, Uterine Fibroids

3rd Chakra - Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra)

Coeliac's disease, Diabetes, Gall stones, Liver disease, Pancreatitis, Peptic Ulcer

4th Chakra - Anahata (Heart Chakra)

Allergies, Breast Cancer, Heart Disease

5th Chakra - Visuddha (Throat Chakra)

Asthma, Bronchitis, Hearing problems, Mouth Clcers, Sore throat, Thyroid problems, Tinnitus, Tonsillitis

6th Chakra - Ajna (Third Eye Chakra)

Cataracts, Migraines, Sinus Problems, Tension headaches, Vision problems

7th Chakra - Sahasrara (Crown Chakra)

Alzheimer's, Depression, Dizziness, Epilepsy, Parkinson's Disease, Schizophrenia, Senile Dementia

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