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Color Me _____ ...

Healing with color (Chromotherapy) offers a vast spectrum of benefits. Here, I will share a few of those, but I encourage you to complete the research for your own personal gain.

When colors are used for healing purposes, two important factors should be always be addressed:

- When the cause of the condition/illness is discovered and properly transformed, true healing can occur. However, if such symptoms are only masked, the root of the problem may resurface over time in the same (or different) form.

- Colors act as balancers when used for healing purposes. A color may be administered more if one exhibits a greater cause for a desired effect. A color may be subtracted from the equation (or the opposite color may be used) if one is experiencing too much of the effects of a certain color.

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Healing Properties: Red associates itself with the root chakra, at the base of the spine. Its healing properties bring about warmth, energy, and stimulation. It increases blood circulation, sexual desire/activity, stimulates ovulation and menstruation, and energizes all the organs and one's senses: hearing, smell, vision, taste, and touch. Due to the fact that red causes cells to multiply, it is advised to NEVER cancer with this color.

Aversion: Those who exhibit an aversion to red may be over-active, hot-tempered, impulsive, aggressive, egocentric, or may be burying fears and rejection of one's own assertiveness.

Other Properties: passion, courage, energy, will-power, determination, speed, masculinity, independence, physical strength, competition, and fertility.

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Healing Properties: Orange is associated with the sacral chakra, and promotes creative thinking, enthusiasm, and the process of understanding a new concept. This particular color relieves repressions from the mind and stimulates the lungs, respiration and digestive system.

Aversion: Those who exhibit an aversion to orange may have suppressed certain sexual feelings, or other stressors when it involves the sensual aspect. Additionally, one can become over-sensual, indulgent, and caught up with the material side of life.

Other Properties: abundance, comfort, good luck and fortune, attraction, charm, kindness, encouragement, stimulation, optimistic, industrious, and prosperity.

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Healing Properties: Yellow is great for nerve-related conditions, illnesses, and muscles as it boosts and elevates mental stimulation. Dark yellow is used for the treatment of shooting pains within the nerves.

Aversion: Those who exhibit an aversion to yellow may be emotionally disappointed, bitter, avoid depth within relationships, rationalizes feelings, and constantly changing activities.

Other Properties: life-force, energy, alternation, cheerfulness, curiosity, travel, knowledge, affirmation, visualization, mental clarity, vitality, change, progress, flexibility, amusement, and communication (e.g., writing and speaking).

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Healing Properties: Green promotes inner peace, and brings harmony and balance to several areas: the mind, the body, and the psychological and emotional states. The heart chakra links back to this color, and can exhibit a soothing and energizing affect. Additionally, this color aids in the repairing of hormonal imbalances, cleans and purifies the body system, increases immunity, and builds up muscles, bone, and tissue.

Aversion: Those who exhibit an aversion to green may prefer independence, self-development, and shy away from sexual relationships.

Other Properties: peace, rest, hope, fertility, growth, rejuvenation, prosperity, balance, counteract greed and jealousy, harvest, abundance, elemental earth (dark green), elemental water (blue-green), plants and animals, nature, comfort, nurturing, harmony, and calmness.

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Healing Properties: Blue associates itself with the throat chakra - also referenced as the "power center", and can be used for various ailments linked to speech, communication, or inflammation of the larynx. Furthermore, blue reduces fever, high blood pressure, stops bleedings, relieves headaches, and soothes strong emotional imbalances. Additionally, the effects of this color reduces itching, stress, and irritation.

Aversion: Those who exhibit an aversion to blue may be very disciplined, strong willed, a hard worker, and determined to follow a set life plan.

Other Properties: truth, peace, rest, cool, soothing, astral projection, wisdom, justice, guidance, protection (during sleep), logic, rational thinking, loyalty, prophetic dreams, patience, and understanding.

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Healing Properties: Violet/Purple aids in detoxification, decreases sensitivity to pain, increases the sensation of resting, soothes mental and emotional stress, and works toward immunity (white blood cells). Additionally, violet/purple heals hysteria, melancholy, delusions, and increases spiritual insights.

Aversion: Those who exhibit an aversion to purple may have deep-rooted issues towards life, and reject what seems unnatural or unrealistic.

Other Properties: meditation, contemplation, spirituality, mysticism, reservation, third eye, compassion, inspiration, counter-acting depression, dignity; appeals to sensitive people (especially those who experience paranormal abilities).

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Healing Properties: The Divine Light. White raises the vibration of one's consciousness, and brings harmony into one's life. When white light is directly sent to the source of the problem, the issue at hand is healed more quickly.

Aversion: Those who exhibit an aversion to white may have a high interest in tangible things versus having high interests in things that cannot be understood.

Other Properties: innocence, purity, virginity, cleanliness, oneness, completion, truth, aura-healing, clairvoyance, meditation, inner peace, spiritual enlightenment.

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Healing Properties: Magenta is associated with one's life purpose, and also with heart activity caused by adrenaline.

Aversion: Those who exhibit an aversion to magenta may feel overwhelmed by people with strong convictions or deep emotions (e,g, jealousy).

Other Properties: power, self-realization, strong passions, strong emotions, daring,

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Healing Properties: Pink contacts you with your feelings, restores youthfulness, and heals grief and sadness.

Aversion: Those who exhibit an aversion to pink may have difficulties expressing soft and tender emotions.

Other Properties: innocence, youthfulness, tenderness, softness, romance, caring, nurturing, femininity, emotional healing, emotional love

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Healing Properties: Turquoise is associated with increasing intuition and sensitivity. Additionally, it builds the skin, relaxes your senses, and works as am antiseptic.

Aversion: Those who exhibit an aversion to turquoise may be seeking stabilization and and security in society and marriage. Additionally, it may be hard for one to walk his own path.

Other Properties: renewal, innovation, progression, humanity, intellectual and intuitive insights

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Healing Properties: Brown associates itself with stability, grounding, conservation, and protection of all included within the household. Additionally, it aids in solidifying important relationships, and also increase decisiveness.

Aversion: Those who exhibit an aversion to brown may not feel connected to his roots (e.g., homeland, family), and may feel an aversion against a normal, boring, trivial life.

Other Properties: simplicity, warm, elemental earth.

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Healing Properties: Brown associates itself with stability, grounding, conservation, and protection of all included within the household. Additionally, it aids in solidifying important relationships, and also increase decisiveness.

Aversion: Those who exhibit an aversion to grey may demand clarity, and will avoid beating around the bush.

Other Properties: reserved, cool, tactful, refined, indifferent, neutralizes negative influences, erases or cancelling situations.

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